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Dieses Thema hat 20 Antworten
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greenstone ( Gast )

11.10.2007 22:51
hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

anamu ( Gast )

12.10.2007 16:52
#2 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten
Hab von diesen Aktionen vor einiger Zeit schon mal gehört. Sie sind sehr berührend. Schön und traurig gleichzeitig. Danke für das Video greenstone!
Eigentlich überlege ich ja noch, ob ich mich in diesem und den anderen Foren anmelden soll, aber nachdem ich das Video gesehen habe, muss ich unbedingt wissen von wem der Song ist *schmelz*.
Weißt du das vielleicht?

So schön......

greenstone ( Gast )

13.10.2007 16:14
#3 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

Hi anamu, ich sag Dir das nur, wenn Du uns erhalten bleibst


*Zettel hinhalt mit Antrag auf lifetime membership im green bonobo land*

greenstone ( Gast )

13.10.2007 16:15
#4 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

Naja, will ja mal nicht so sein. Gewaltfreie Kommunikations heißt ja dieses Forum *g*

Sick Puppies (och, die Armen!), "All The Same"

(Das war das, was ich rausfinden konnte)

Lieber Gruß

anamu ( Gast )

13.10.2007 16:28
#5 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

*lacht* Freu mich! Danke, greenstone!

Lieben Gruß

greenstone ( Gast )

13.10.2007 16:36
#6 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

Sick Puppies - All The Same Lyrics

I don't mind where you come from
As long as you come to me
I don't like illusions I can't see
Them clearly

I don't care no I wouldn't dare
To fix the twist in you
You've shown me eventually
What you'll do

I don't mind...
I don't care...
As long as you're here

Go ahead tell me you'll leave again
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same
And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same

Hours slide and days go by
Till you decide to come
And in between it always seems too long
All of a sudden

And I have the skill, yeah I have the will
To breathe you in while I can
However long you stay
Is all that I am

I don't mind...
I don't care...
As long as you're here

Go ahead tell me you'll leave again
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same
And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's always the same

Wrong or right
Black or white
If I close my eyes
I's all the same

In my life
The compromise
I close my eyes
It's all the same

Go ahead say it you're leaving
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same
And I'll take you for who you are
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same

Stellina Offline


Beiträge: 25

13.10.2007 17:04
#7 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

Dieses Video hat mich zu Tränen gerührt...
Es mag Leute geben, die solche Aktionen als Blödsinn abstempeln und die Menschen, die so etwas tun, als Spinner betiteln;
aber manchmal kann eine kleine, herzliche Umarmung so viel sein und vielleicht genau das, was man gerade braucht...
Es müsste mehr Menschen von dieser Sorte geben.

Liebe Grüße


Wir selbst sind die Ursache all unserer Hindernisse.

greenstone ( Gast )

13.10.2007 17:09
#8 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

Liebe Stellina,

herzlich willkommen in diesem Forum!
Falls Du mal den einen oder anderen "hug for free" dringend brauchst, lass es die anderen wissen

We all need one...

"How it all started:

I'd been living in London when my world turned upside down and I'd had to come home. By the time my plane landed back in Sydney, all I had left was a carry on bag full of clothes and a world of troubles. No one to welcome me back, no place to call home. I was a tourist in my hometown.

Standing there in the arrivals terminal, watching other passengers meeting their waiting friends and family, with open arms and smiling faces, hugging and laughing together, I wanted someone out there to be waiting for me. To be happy to see me. To smile at me. To hug me.

So I got some cardboard and a marker and made a sign. I found the busiest pedestrian intersection in the city and held that sign aloft, with the words "Free Hugs" on both sides.

And for 15 minutes, people just stared right through me. The first person who stopped, tapped me on the shoulder and told me how her dog had just died that morning. How that morning had been the one year anniversary of her only daughter dying in a car accident. How what she needed now, when she felt most alone in the world, was a hug. I got down on one knee, we put our arms around each other and when we parted, she was smiling.

Sometimes, a hug is all what we need.

Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person"

Das hier ist die offizielle Homepage der "Campaign"

Lieber Gruß

Abraxas Offline

Beiträge: 1.087

13.10.2007 17:15
#9 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

Sehr schön!

Ob es wohl "Mut" braucht, ein "Spinner" zu sein?

Stellina Offline


Beiträge: 25

13.10.2007 17:56
#10 RE: hugs for free Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von Abraxas
Sehr schön!

Ob es wohl "Mut" braucht, ein "Spinner" zu sein?

Davon bin ich überzeugt; Es will doch niemand "Spinner" genannt werden...
Umso beachtlicher finde ich es, wenn man es in Kauf nimmt und sein Ding trotzdem durchzieht.

Lieben Gruß


Wir selbst sind die Ursache all unserer Hindernisse.

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